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Abhyanga (Massages)

oil massage at Arogya Nepal

1. Full Body Massage (Sarvanga Abhyanga)

Revive the body and mind

Body massage sevice at Arogya

Sarvanga Abhyanga vitalizes the body, retards the process of aging, and brings vitality. It improves the function of muscles, softens the complexion, and has a favorable effect on the quality of the skin. It has been used to keep good health condition, better sleep, and longevity.

body massage arogya
Body massage in nepal- arogya

2. Shiro Abhyanga (Head Massage)

Release your pain and tension

Shiro Abhyang (Head Massage) or, Ayurvedic head massages are an ancient massage practice with strong roots in traditional culture. Ayurvedic head massages focus on releasing energy blockages in the body and decreasing symptoms of a range of ailments. It increases circulation to the head and promotes the drainage of accumulated toxins.

3. Leaf Massage (Patra Pinda Sweda)

Eliminate the toxins and feel better

It is the application of heat to the body parts using a bolus prepared from the leaves of medicinal plants.  It reduces pain, stiffness and inflammation, stress and promotes vitality.

4. Powder Massage (Ubtan)

Detoxification and rejuvenation of skin and tissues

Ubtan is a mixture of different powders from grains and spices, combined together with oils or without oils to form a paste that is then rubbed over the whole body. The specific action of this creates friction to open up the pores, allowing the medicinal spices to penetrate and have a liquefying and scrapping action on fat tissue and stimulate the metabolism. Ubtan is beneficial for promoting weight loss, reducing subcutaneous fat tissues, toning the muscles and reducing cellulite.

5. Sand Massage (Valuka Sweda)

Relieve your joint pain and stiffness with dry sand

Valuka Sweda (Sand Steam)is done on the whole body or locally on a specific part. It relieves pain and inflammation. Clean sand, which is devoid of gravel and other waste materials, collected from a neat place is used for this purpose. It should be washed and dried. A vessel preferably of iron is placed on a stove and sand is heated.  The heated sand is kept in cloth and applied to the affected part.

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